Friday, September 20, 2024




Display Case - Fine Art and Collectibles

      Don't miss the items currently on display in the George Mason Regional Library lobby.  The display case houses a variety of fine art and collectibles in various price ranges. A list of the items is shown below.

These items will be on sale beginning at our Preview sale ($20 entry) on Wednesday evening, September 25, between 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm and throughout the General sale (no fee) starting on Thursday, September 26, through Sunday. September 29—Hours: 10:00 to 5:30 pm daily.

Picasso: Women                             $30.00         

Helene Parmelin

Editions Cercle D/Art, Harry N. Abrams


Durer                                 $35.00                                                          

The Complete Engravings, Etchings

And Woodcuts

Karl-Adolf Knappe

Alpine Arts Collection       1988


Basic Principles of Design            $30.00

4 Volumes

Manfred Maier

Van Nostrand/Reinhold    1977


Piero della Francesca                    $20.00

Birgit Laskowski

Konemann                                       1998


The Street                                         $30.00

Drawings by Serge Hollerbach


The Art Press                                   1997


American Prints in the                  $25.00

Library of Congress

Karen F. Beall, Compiler

Alan Wolfson, Fine Arts                1991


Blake’s                                               $7.50

America: A Prophecy

Europe: A Prophecy

William Blake

Dover Publications, Inc.                1983


Japanese Treasure                          $25.00

The Art of Netsuke Carving

Carolyn M. Putney

Toledo Museum of Art                  2000


The Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji $30.00


East-West Center Press                 1966


Missoni, Art Colour                        $60.00      

Fashion and Textile Museum

Skiri Rizzoli                                       2015


Women Holding Things                $10.00

Maira Kalman

Harper Design                                 2022


Sesshu                                               $20.00

Kodansha Library of Japanese Art

Charles E. Tuttle                              1959


Making Faces                                   $40.00

Carl Frederik Reutersward          

National Museum/Lieber             1984


Dale Chihuly/Klaus Moje              $50.00

Glasmuseum Ebeltoft Denmark 1991   





    Telling Stories, Norman Rockwell $15.00 

    Virginia M. Mecklenburg  

     Abrams                                         2010


The Clouds and the Rain,

The Art of Love in China               $35.00

Hammond, Hammond & Co.      1969


The Female Image                         $80.00

20th Century Prints of Japanese Beauties

ABE Publishing                                2000



Practical Training for Beginners  $15.00

Luca Buvoli

MIT List Visual Arts Center          2000


The Holy Land, Jerusalem                   $12.50          

David Roberts, R. A.

Terra Sancta Arts                                1985



Apocalypse                                            $25.00

Visions from the Book of Revelation

Frederick Van Der Meer

Alpine Fine Arts Collection   1978


 Turner                                               $25.00

The Great Watercolours              

Royal Academy of Arts                  2000


The Petit Palace Collection          $25.00

Alexandra Bonfante-Warren

Beaux Arts Editions                       2006





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