Thursday, July 18, 2024



The selection of children's books for the Fall Sale will have something for all our young readers! From classics to non-fiction to early readers, we have an amazing variety of volumes in like-new condition. If you are looking to expand your child's library without breaking the bank, our next sale is the place to shop. Most of our children's books are $5.00 and below! The titles shown are a sample of what we will have for sale this September. We hope to see you then!

                        Priced from $3.00 to $5.00 each.

Friday, July 5, 2024



Hamzanama is a colorful tale based loosely on the exploits of Hamza, an uncle of the prophet Muhammad, who travelled throughout the world spreading the doctrines of Islam. An illustrated version of the story was commissioned early in the reign of the Mughal Emperor Akbar, in the second half of the sixteenth century.  It consisted of over 1400 paintings of which only a tenth still survive today. The Adventure of Hamza brings together 60 of these works and places them with new translations of the related text passage. A beautiful and unique volume to add to any art collection. Available to purchase at the Fall Book Sale on September 25-29, 2024.

                                            Priced at $12.00


Monday, July 1, 2024



Woodturning is the process of using tools, like a lathe, to cut and mould wood while it turns on an axis in rotation. Through the centuries, items from furniture to musical instruments were produced by turnery. The magazines listed below, from the early 2000s, will give you information on projects involving this interesting technique. Come and see our fix-it volumes at our next book sale!

                                        Priced at $1.00 each.

Thursday, June 27, 2024



Paper dolls offer diverse learning opportunities. They provide a tactile way of exploring fashion as well as fostering an appreciation of different cultures and time periods. The vintage paper doll books below reflect fashion trends during the first half of the 20th century. You can take a closer look at these and other treasures in our art category at the next book sale in September!

                                         Priced at $4.50 each.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024



Fans of Model Railroading, have we got some great finds for you! We have a large collection of digests, spanning several decades, that will be available at our next sale. Mark your calendars for September 25-29, 2024!

                                 Priced from $1.00-$2.00 each.

Friday, June 14, 2024



The Self-Help category includes many titles that address mental heath awareness.  The collection below offers a variety of strategies to assist with emotional well-being. These and many other volumes to help you on your journey for inner harmony will be available at our Fall Sale in September.  Hope to see you there!

                              Priced from $3.00 to $4.00 each.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024



For all doll lovers who want to create unique and personal designs, we have some volumes to check out!  These titles show you how to create fun apparel for 18 inch dolls, like the American Girl Collection, or for smaller dolls, like the Barbie Doll. Put your knitting and crocheting skills to use and make your own fabulous outfits!  All these titles will be for purchase at the Fall Book Sale from September 25-29, 2024.

                  Priced from $3.50 to $8.00 each. Sample outfits shown below.

 Priced at $3.50 each. Sample of design below.

                                                    Priced at $3.00 each.         






Monday, June 3, 2024



For the next few months, the George Mason Friends blogspot home page will highlight the vast array of offerings that will be available for purchase at the Fall Book Sale in September 2024. Our first featured category is World History.

One of the ways to understand events happening in the different corners of our world today is to learn about the history of that region. If you would like to discover more on topics like the Middle East, Islam, and the French Empire, the titles shown below may pique your interest. These items can be purchased at our September Sale.

                                      Priced from $3.50 to $5.00 each.

Friday, May 10, 2024


SEPTEMBER 25, 2024
5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
SEPTEMPER 26-29, 2024

             10:00 a.m. -  5:30 p.m. each day

Tuesday, April 9, 2024




      Don't miss the items currently on display in the George Mason Regional Library lobby.  One display case houses fine art and unique collectables; the other children's books, including pop-ups (scroll down to view highlights).  These items will be on sale beginning at the Preview sale, Wednesday evening, April 17 at 5:00 pm.

Art Books Display Case

Following is a list of the art/unique books in the Art Books Display Case

A Lakeland Sketchbook                            $25.00

A. Wainwright

Francis Lincoln                                           





Andy Warhol                                             $50.00

Drawings 1942-1987

Mark Francis & Deiter Koepplin

The Andy Warhol Museum                          1998




 Apocalypse                                                 $45.00

Visions from the Book of Revelation

Frederick Van Der Meer

Alpine Fine Arts Collection                          1978


 Artists, Authors, and Others:

Drawing by David Levine                         $20.00

Daniel P. Moynihan, Intro

Smithsonian Institution Press                     1976


Beatrix Potter’s Art                                  $15.00

Anne Stevenson Hobbs, Intro

Frederick Warne                                         1989



Byzantium 3 Vols                             $75.00

The Early Centuries

The Apogee

The Decline and Fall

John Julius Norwich

The Folio Society                                        2003




Camera Lucida                                         $20.00

Roland Barthes

Richard Howard, Translator

Hill and Wang                                               1981


Designing for Remembrance                 $25.00

 An Architectural Memoir

William P. Lecky     

LDS Publishing                                          2012




Directory of Illustration                           $25.00 

Glen Robert Serbin, Editor

Serbin Communications                               1990






Imagery of Lynching                                 $12.00                

Black Men, White Women, and the Mob

Dora Appel

Rutgers University Press                             2004


International Realism                              $25.00

15th International ARC Salon

ACC Art Books                                             2021


 Joshua Johnson                                          $30.00            

 Freeman & Early American Portrait Painter

Carolyn J. Weekley, et al

The Maryland Historical Society                1987


Korean Arts of the Eighteenth Century     $25.00  

Splendor and Simplicity             

Hongnam Kim, Editor

Asia Society Galleries                                    1993



Madame Curie                                              $20.00

A Biography

Eve Curie

Vincent Sheean, Translator

Doubleday, Doran & Co.                              1937



Mexican School of Down Art          $50.00          

Escuela Mexicana D Arte Down          2010








Poiret                                                         $20.00

Harold Koda & Andrew Bolton

Metropolitan Museum of Art                     2007


Profile 22-Donald Teskey                        $30.00

Gandon Editions                                         2005


The Adventures of Hamza                      $25.00        

John Seyller

Freer Gallery of Art                                    2002





The Five Nations                                      $20.00     

 Rudyard Kipling

Doubleday,   Page & Co.                            1903






The Highlanders of Scotland                  $25.00      

The Completed Watercolours

Commissioned by Queen Victoria

Haggerston Press                                        1986


 The Letters of a Portuguese Nun          $20.00       

Maryanna Alcoforado

Edgar Prestage, Translator

Thomas B. Mosher          1900








The Lure of the East                               $20.00

British Orientalist Painting

Nicholas Tromans, Editor

Tate Publishing                                            2008




The Mapping of the World                     $75.00         

Early Printed World Maps 1472-1700

Rodney W Shirley

Holland Press                                               1987





 The Pitti Palace Collections                    $45.00      

Alexandra Bonfante-Warren

Beaux Arts Editions                                   2006


The Street                                                    $30.00

Drawings by Serge Hollerbach


The Art Press                                               1997




Travels in the Interior of North America             

during the Years 1832-1834                       $22.00

Maximillion Prince of Wied

Taschen                                                         2001





Tres Riches Heures                                   $15.00

Behind the Gothic Masterpiece

Lillian Schacherl

Prestel                                                           1997


William Morris                                           $10.00

A Life for Our Time

Fiona MacCarthy

Alferd Knopf                                                1995












In addition to the plethora of children’s books in the children’s room off of the lobby, we are offering a number of unique books in the display case next to the children’s room.


 Always a favorite, there are pop-ups. 

 In My Garden - $3.00



 Monster Island - $3.50






Celebrate America - $4.00




   The Little Mermaid - $10.00






  A wonderful, unique complete collection, 30 small books of  

Winnie the Pooh -- $40.00

Also available are several rare, vintage 1950’s, books.

Fix the Toys by Dorthey King - $20.00, Berries in the Scoop by Lois Lenski - $25.00, and Pookie at the Seaside by Ivy Waller - $8.00.




And what would a book sale be without Harry Potter 



Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ($15.00) 







                                                    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ($11).