Friday, September 20, 2024




Display Case - Fine Art and Collectibles

      Don't miss the items currently on display in the George Mason Regional Library lobby.  The display case houses a variety of fine art and collectibles in various price ranges. A list of the items is shown below.

These items will be on sale beginning at our Preview sale ($20 entry) on Wednesday evening, September 25, between 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm and throughout the General sale (no fee) starting on Thursday, September 26, through Sunday. September 29—Hours: 10:00 to 5:30 pm daily.

Picasso: Women                             $30.00         

Helene Parmelin

Editions Cercle D/Art, Harry N. Abrams


Durer                                 $35.00                                                          

The Complete Engravings, Etchings

And Woodcuts

Karl-Adolf Knappe

Alpine Arts Collection       1988


Basic Principles of Design            $30.00

4 Volumes

Manfred Maier

Van Nostrand/Reinhold    1977


Piero della Francesca                    $20.00

Birgit Laskowski

Konemann                                       1998


The Street                                         $30.00

Drawings by Serge Hollerbach


The Art Press                                   1997


American Prints in the                  $25.00

Library of Congress

Karen F. Beall, Compiler

Alan Wolfson, Fine Arts                1991


Blake’s                                               $7.50

America: A Prophecy

Europe: A Prophecy

William Blake

Dover Publications, Inc.                1983


Japanese Treasure                          $25.00

The Art of Netsuke Carving

Carolyn M. Putney

Toledo Museum of Art                  2000


The Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji $30.00


East-West Center Press                 1966


Missoni, Art Colour                        $60.00      

Fashion and Textile Museum

Skiri Rizzoli                                       2015


Women Holding Things                $10.00

Maira Kalman

Harper Design                                 2022


Sesshu                                               $20.00

Kodansha Library of Japanese Art

Charles E. Tuttle                              1959


Making Faces                                   $40.00

Carl Frederik Reutersward          

National Museum/Lieber             1984


Dale Chihuly/Klaus Moje              $50.00

Glasmuseum Ebeltoft Denmark 1991   





    Telling Stories, Norman Rockwell $15.00 

    Virginia M. Mecklenburg  

     Abrams                                         2010


The Clouds and the Rain,

The Art of Love in China               $35.00

Hammond, Hammond & Co.      1969


The Female Image                         $80.00

20th Century Prints of Japanese Beauties

ABE Publishing                                2000



Practical Training for Beginners  $15.00

Luca Buvoli

MIT List Visual Arts Center          2000


The Holy Land, Jerusalem                   $12.50          

David Roberts, R. A.

Terra Sancta Arts                                1985



Apocalypse                                            $25.00

Visions from the Book of Revelation

Frederick Van Der Meer

Alpine Fine Arts Collection   1978


 Turner                                               $25.00

The Great Watercolours              

Royal Academy of Arts                  2000


The Petit Palace Collection          $25.00

Alexandra Bonfante-Warren

Beaux Arts Editions                       2006





Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Look no further for unique and interesting cookbooks! These are just a few examples of the amazing selection we will have available at our Fall Book Sale beginning next week.

The naked truth about hot dogs is part travelogue, part culinary history and part of what hot dogs say about America. Hot dogs are a quintessential American food. Author Jamie Loftus, comedian and author, details her 2021 cross country trip focused on “hot dogs” and what they say about our culture. Priced at $8.50.

Have you ever wanted to make pharmacy fountain soda at home? Stephen Cresswell’s cookbook provides easy to follow directions for soda fountain classics as well as some more adventurous brews. Priced at $2.50.

Ginger Minj is a drag queen superstar, actor, singer songwriter, reality TV personality, and a cookbook author. This is a memoir, life manual, and decorating book with recipes all tongue-in-cheek. It is one of the most unique cookbooks in our sale.  Priced at $11.00.



Malcolm Morley is known for his paintings done as a photorealist and an expressionist. We have two of his volumes which depict paintings of World War II aerial combat that will be available at our Fall Sale. These works include spectacular scenes of dogfights and fighter jets during the war. 

Our Fall Sale is happening beginning September 25th with our evening preview and continuing through Sunday, September 29th. Hope to see you there!

                                      Priced at $15.00 each.

Sunday, September 8, 2024



Our Fall Sale will feature a Holiday section filled with items to help you prepare for the most wonderful time of the year! It will include cookbooks, novels, craft magazines, and so much more! Check out the sample of holiday craft books that will be available for purchase. Mark your calendars as the sale is fast approaching...September 25-29!

                           Priced at $3.00 each.

Saturday, August 31, 2024



The Foreign Language category includes not only many languages, but a host of different genres. Check out the selection of Japanese comics that will be available at our Fall Book Sale in just a few weeks. We hope to see you there! 

                          Prices vary; average price $3.00 each.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024



Are you looking for some ideas to spruce up your home decor? More and more people are turning to diy projects to save money decorating their home. The volumes below will show you different decor possibilities for your space. They will be available to purchase at our Fall Book Sale in September.

                                   Priced from $4.00 to $4.50 each.

Thursday, August 15, 2024



Mark your calendars for September 25th-29th! At every sale, we have a large variety of comics and graphic novels available. Shown below is just a sample of what you will be able to purchase this September at our Fall Sale. Hope to see you there!

                             Priced from 50 cents to $6.00 each.

Monday, August 5, 2024



Not able to get to the opera, then why don’t we bring it to you! We have a collection of opera performances on dvd that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your home! These are just a few of the titles that will be available to purchase at our Fall Book Sale in September. 

                                    Priced at $3.00 each.

Thursday, July 18, 2024



The selection of children's books for the Fall Sale will have something for all our young readers! From classics to non-fiction to early readers, we have an amazing variety of volumes in like-new condition. If you are looking to expand your child's library without breaking the bank, our next sale is the place to shop. Most of our children's books are $5.00 and below! The titles shown are a sample of what we will have for sale this September. We hope to see you then!

                        Priced from $3.00 to $5.00 each.

Friday, July 5, 2024



Hamzanama is a colorful tale based loosely on the exploits of Hamza, an uncle of the prophet Muhammad, who travelled throughout the world spreading the doctrines of Islam. An illustrated version of the story was commissioned early in the reign of the Mughal Emperor Akbar, in the second half of the sixteenth century.  It consisted of over 1400 paintings of which only a tenth still survive today. The Adventure of Hamza brings together 60 of these works and places them with new translations of the related text passage. A beautiful and unique volume to add to any art collection. Available to purchase at the Fall Book Sale on September 25-29, 2024.

                                            Priced at $12.00


Monday, July 1, 2024



Woodturning is the process of using tools, like a lathe, to cut and mould wood while it turns on an axis in rotation. Through the centuries, items from furniture to musical instruments were produced by turnery. The magazines listed below, from the early 2000s, will give you information on projects involving this interesting technique. Come and see our fix-it volumes at our next book sale!

                                        Priced at $1.00 each.

Thursday, June 27, 2024



Paper dolls offer diverse learning opportunities. They provide a tactile way of exploring fashion as well as fostering an appreciation of different cultures and time periods. The vintage paper doll books below reflect fashion trends during the first half of the 20th century. You can take a closer look at these and other treasures in our art category at the next book sale in September!

                                         Priced at $4.50 each.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024



Fans of Model Railroading, have we got some great finds for you! We have a large collection of digests, spanning several decades, that will be available at our next sale. Mark your calendars for September 25-29, 2024!

                                 Priced from $1.00-$2.00 each.

Friday, June 14, 2024



The Self-Help category includes many titles that address mental heath awareness.  The collection below offers a variety of strategies to assist with emotional well-being. These and many other volumes to help you on your journey for inner harmony will be available at our Fall Sale in September.  Hope to see you there!

                              Priced from $3.00 to $4.00 each.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024



For all doll lovers who want to create unique and personal designs, we have some volumes to check out!  These titles show you how to create fun apparel for 18 inch dolls, like the American Girl Collection, or for smaller dolls, like the Barbie Doll. Put your knitting and crocheting skills to use and make your own fabulous outfits!  All these titles will be for purchase at the Fall Book Sale from September 25-29, 2024.

                  Priced from $3.50 to $8.00 each. Sample outfits shown below.

 Priced at $3.50 each. Sample of design below.

                                                    Priced at $3.00 each.